Smarter Scheduling Methods

nMetric's GA Scheduling Engine provides unmatched adaptability and configurability, equipping schedulers with the tools to create optimal schedules even in highly constrained and demanding environments. Beyond industry-standard approaches, nMetric incorporates innovative methods to address complex scheduling challenges effectively.

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Advanced Scheduling Methods that represent
the reality of your shop floor.

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Resource Capabilities

nMetric accommodates a wide range of resource configurations. For example, "Limited Stack" resources allow multiple concurrent tasks up to a defined limit, while "Unlimited Stack" resources can handle an unrestricted number of simultaneous tasks, such as those involving outside vendors.

Additionally, the engine offers resource utilization and leveling preferences to keep resources as engaged as needed.


Bus-Route Scheduling

Our patented "Bus-Route" scheduling, designed for setup reduction and changeover time optimization, goes beyond traditional sequencing. This feature enables task ordering based on material needs, tool requirements, or other constraints within specific time windows.

By reducing setup times and tooling changeovers, manufacturers can save time and cut costs significantly.


Task Assignments

Tasks in nMetric's system are scheduled using flexible attributes rather than rigid one-to-one resource assignments. This allows tasks to utilize a variety of resources and ensures optimal scheduling for multi-resource tasks.

Preferred resources can be prioritized for specific tasks, with less preferred options used only when beneficial for the overall schedule. For scenarios requiring strict resource assignments, tasks can also be pinned to specific resources.


Schedule Fences

The engine seamlessly manages dynamic schedules by supporting user-defined term fences. Jobs on hold due to material shortages, credit issues, or other reasons are handled without disrupting the flow of normal jobs. Dispatch zones prevent last-minute resource reassignment, ensuring tasks stay locked to specific resources.

This stability eliminates confusion among workers and promotes smoother daily operations.